
a post in which i rant about my hectic life

If you couldn't already tell from the title, this past week has been the week from hell. (Cue the round of applause for me making it through relatively intact.) From fashion shows to concerts to lots and lots of school, I wanted to share with you some of the stuff I've been up to outside of the kitchen.

In some strange turn of events, Mondays have turned out to be one of the easiest days of the week this semester and math has become my favorite class. Seriously, wtf? I hope that puts into perspective how backwards my life is right now.

I have a not-so-secret confession: I'm 600% obsessed with Miley Cyrus. I know, I know — I'm sure that many of you probably think differently, but I adore her (pun totally intended). With that said, it should come as no surprise how excited I was to attend her Bangerz Tour concert in New Orleans on Tuesday night.

After replicating her signature pigtail buns and indulging in one too many slices of pizza, my friends and I headed downtown for the concert. The show was essentially a huge two-hour party that began with balloons dropping from the sky and ended with a giant shower of confetti. Naturally, the in-between was full of flying hot dogs and lots of twerking. Too much fun. 

On Wednesday morning, I was awoken way too early by my alarm to head to school. As if a full day of classes and copy editing sessions for the National Student Advertising Competition weren't enough for laggy brain to handle, I was off to my next destination: New Orleans Fashion Week.

Me, Noel, and my nipples. 

Me, Noel, and my nipples. 

A polaroid with Becca of Style Crossings. 

A polaroid with Becca of Style Crossings

I've mentioned this before, but I've been photographing the runway shows and fashion presentations for New Orleans Fashion Week since 2011. On Wednesday night, I had the pleasure of shooting backstage at my dearest, fiercest, and most talented friend Noël Martin's A/W showcase. Per usual, Noël's presentation was stitched and sewn for the gods. Below are some peeks into her amazing collection. (That pink vinyl getup gets a resounding "yasss" from me.)

And if that wasn't enough for the night, I had to head back to campus to finish up editing our team's NSAC plans book. Somehow, I managed to not fall asleep behind the wheel on my commute back home at 4:30 a.m.

Considering how busy I've been, my weekend was largely consumed by more schoolwork and a mental state located somewhere between being asleep and awake. Definitely skewed way more towards asleep; that seems to be the general trend this semester. I am so stoked that this semester is finally almost over. Until then, I'll just be dreaming of summer.

Baroque Boy

F21 Wide-Brim Fedora / Zara Baroque Print Shirt / Zara Trousers / Zara Chelsea Boots

F21 Wide-Brim Fedora / Zara Baroque Print Shirt / Zara Trousers / Zara Chelsea Boots

Happy December! I hope that all of you had an amazing Thanksgiving! My break was wonderful, crazy, and much needed. I only have three more days of school separating me and my winter break. (Fingers crossed that finals don't kill me!)

I've deciding to switch it up today and retreat from the deluge of cookies and cakes that I've been blogging about lately. When I started this blog, I wanted to include some style posts about fashion and the like, so here goes nothing.


I have this problem where I constantly refresh Zara's "New This Week" page dozens of times a day. I'm not kidding when I say that 80% of the money I've spent in the last few months has gone towards my unhealthy online shopping addiction. I don't know what it is about Zara specifically — actually I do, just take one look at their fall campaign and you'll understand my obsession. Enough rambling about my love affair with Zara, onto the outfit! 

From top to bottom: the hat! (So this one actually isn't Zara but let's just ignore that). SO big, so floppy, makes me feel like part of Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies (hello AHS fans) — perfect! When I saw this shirt in store, I immediately grabbed it without paying attention to size, price, anything else important — I just knew I had to have it. I refuse to the let the baroque trend die, so just deal with it a little longer. ;) I bought the pants on the whim; I didn't even really love when I got them, but my friend insisted. Best decision ever. They've got the tiniest drop-crotch feel of harem pants without all of the drama. Love! Finally, the Chelsea boots have become my new winter fashion staple .... I swear, I really can't take them off. Oh well! 

Going Grey... Intentionally

 Most people dread the day they discover their first grey hairs. On the other hand, there's some of us who decide to dye their whole head silvery grey just for fun. 

F21 Sweatshirt / H&M Denim / Doc Martens / Topman Chain Necklace

F21 Sweatshirt / H&M Denim / Doc Martens / Topman Chain Necklace

After months of serious contemplation (and being urged to cancel my original appointment in April because my mother thought my grandfather would disown me), I finally made the jump to grey and I LOVE it. 

I'm not going to lie, I was beyond nervous to make the transition to Grandpa Graham (…or Dandy Warhol as some of my classmates have named me). As the bleach began to tingle my scalp and turn my hair into a lovely shade of pale yellow that resembled angel hair pasta, I was a little skeptical of how the finished product would turn out. However, once the color was applied and processed, I was immediately in love. It was excitedly what I've been wanting for the past three years.  

maybe I should smile?

maybe I should smile?

selfie haayyyy!!!

selfie haayyyy!!!

Check out this before and after video. 


I have to thank Kayla at Paris Parker on Prytania for the amazing job she did with getting the color just right! Here are some of the pictures I was using as inspiration.