So you want to work with me?
Jobs I am available for include:
food photography & styling — want me to shoot your product or restaurant? photos can be utilized for your print publication or online website.
recipe development — i am thinking about new recipes about 90% of the time. i would love to work hands on with your brand to create a sponsored post utilizing your product in a unique recipe.
brand ambassador — if you have products that are a great, natural fit with my audience, i would love to represent your brand!
publishing my photos/recipes — if you would like to publish one of my recipes or photos on your website/print publication, send me a message! i will generally grant you access to publish with proper attribution and a link back to my site.
buying desserts — found a recipe you loved and don't feel like making it at home? that's okay! i am available for custom orders for events or your personal enjoyment (new orleans only, please).
Other things to talk to me about:
- recipes you think i should create!
- collaboration ideas
- pop culture gossip
- where i buy all of those mesh shirts i always wear
- just to chat! i swear i don't bite!